Watsu with Janis at the end of her pregnancy, Spain.
In our Western culture, mothers-to-be are under high levels of stress and often view pregnancy as a medical condition. Stress is one of the greatest enemies of a healthy pregnancy. In ancient Chinese medicine, it is believed that pregnancy is joyous and natural, and that the energetic connection between mother and baby is formative. An old Chinese proverb says: “The mother shouldn’t ever look with a crooked eye, her ears should never listen to bad things, her mouth should not say any bad word”. While this may seem extreme or even impossible, expecting families can take measures to ensure that the childbearing year is a low-stress and special time.
As the baby grows, body’s systems may be challenged to keep up; hormones and big emotions flow freely, sometimes like a roller coaster. The progressive bonding that naturally happens between mother and child during pregnancy and beyond is significantly increased when the mother is able to stop, look inward, and listen. Massage during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum has a long and honorable tradition and is one of the safest and most effective ways to reduce tension, stress, and anxiety. Aditional benefits of prental massage include decreasing chronic muscle tension, increasing blood and lymphatic circulation, reducing swelling, fostering deep breathing, along with relief of back, shoulder and neck pain, muscle spasms, sciatica, and stress relief. Massage also supports the dynamic physical and emotional changes of pregnancy.
Watsu session with Daron at the end of her pregnancy, Portland |
Watsu with Theresa at the end of her second thrimester, Portland |
Victor Barreda-Pazos
Founder of Aqua4Life Prenatal Watsu and Massage.
Watsu Professional and Licensed Massage Therapist in Oregon #22189.
I currently offer prenatal Watsu at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, and prenatal massage at Zenana Spa, both locations in Portland, OR. As I became a father seven years ago, I discovered a new passion for the power of pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. It is my most sincere belief that we can make this world a better place by better caring for pregnancy and birth. The services that I offer to pregnant women, newborns, and couples deeply honor and enrich the childbearing year and inspire health and balance.
Founder of Aqua4Life Prenatal Watsu and Massage.
Watsu Professional and Licensed Massage Therapist in Oregon #22189.
I currently offer prenatal Watsu at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, and prenatal massage at Zenana Spa, both locations in Portland, OR. As I became a father seven years ago, I discovered a new passion for the power of pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. It is my most sincere belief that we can make this world a better place by better caring for pregnancy and birth. The services that I offer to pregnant women, newborns, and couples deeply honor and enrich the childbearing year and inspire health and balance.
Watsu with Espe two days before her natural birth at home, Spain |